
include: co/benchmark.h.

#basic concept

co.benchmark is a benchmark framework added in v3.0.1, which can be used for performance benchmarking.


#define BM_group(_name_) \
     void _co_bm_group_##_name_(bm::xx::Group& _g_)
  • The BM_group macro is used to define a benchmark group, which actually defines a function.
  • Multiple benchmarks can be defined with BM_add in each group.
The parameter _name_ is the group name, which is also part of name of the defined function. BM_group(atomic) is ok, but BM_group(co.atomic) is not allowed, as co.atomic can’t be used in function name.


#define BM_add(_name_) \ = #_name_; \
  • The BM_add macro is used to define a benchmark, it must be used inside the function defined by BM_group.
The parameter _name_ is the benchmark name, unlike BM_group, BM_add(co.atomic) is also allowed.


#define BM_use(v) bm::xx::use(&v, sizeof(v))
  • The BM_use macro tells the compiler that the variable v will be used, which prevents the compiler from optimizing away some test code.

#Write benchmark code

#Code example

#include "co/benchmark.h"
#include "co/mem.h"

BM_group(malloc) {
     void* p;

         p = ::malloc(32);

         p = co::alloc(32);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
     flag::parse(argc, argv);
     return 0;
  • The code above defines a benchmark group called malloc, and 2 benchmarks are added to it with BM_add.
  • Calling bm::run_benchmarks() will execute all the benchmark code.
In the above example, if there is no BM_use(p), the compiler may think that p is an unused variable, and optimize away the relevant test code, resulting in the inability to measure accurate results.

#Result example


  • The result of the benchmark test is printed as a markdown table, and it can be easily copied to a markdown document.
  • Multiple BM_group will generate multiple markdown tables.
  • The first column of the table is all benchmarks in the group, the second column is the time of a single iteration (in nanoseconds), the third column is the number of iterations per second, and the fourth column is the performance improvement multiple, based on the first benchmark.