Memory Allocation

include: co/mem.h.


1. void* alloc(size_t size);
2. void* alloc(size_t size, size_t align);
  • 1, allocate size bytes of memory.
  • 2, allocate size bytes of memory, and the memory boundary is align byte-aligned (align <= 1024).
In the 2nd, align must be power of 2 and cannot exceed 1024.


void free(void* p, size_t size);
  • Free memory allocated by co::alloc or co::realloc, where size is the size of the allocated memory.
co::free is different from the ::free provided by the system, it needs an additional size parameter.


void* realloc(void* p, size_t old_size, size_t new_size);
  • Reallocate memory, old_size is the previous memory size, new_size is the new size, the latter must be greater than the former.


void* zalloc(size_t size);
  • Allocate size bytes of memory and fill the memory with zeros.



template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline T* make(Args&&... args);
  • Call co::alloc to allocate memory and make an object of type T on it with argument args.

  • Example

int* p = co::make<int>(7);
std::string* s = co::make<std::string>(3, 'x');


template<typename T>
inline void del(T* p, size_t n=sizeof(T));
  • Destroy objects created by co::make and free the memory.

  • The parameter n is the memory size of the object pointed to by p, and the default is sizeof(T).

  • Example

int* p = co::make<int>(7);


template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline T* make_rootic(Args&&... args);
  • Similar to co::make_static, except that static objects created by this function are destructed later than static objects created by co::make_static.


template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline T* make_static(Args&&... args);
  • Create a static object of type T with the parameter args, and it will be automatically destroyed when the program exits.

  • Example

fasting& s = *co::make_static<fastring>(32, 'x');



template<typename T>
class shared;

Similar to std::shared_ptr, but with some minor differences.


1. constexpr shared() noexcept;
2. constexpr shared(std::nullptr_t) noexcept;
3. shared(const shared& x) noexcept;
4. shared(shared&& x) noexcept;

5. shared(const shared<X>& x) noexcept;
6. shared(shared<X>&& x) noexcept;
  • 1-2, create an empty shared object.
  • 3, Copy constructor, if x is not an empty object, increase the internal reference count.
  • 4, Move constructor, when the construction is completed, x becomes an empty object.
  • 5-6, Construct shared<T> object from shared<X> object, T is the base class of X, and the destructor of T is virtual.
co::shared objects cannot be constructed directly from T* pointer, coost provides co::make_shared for constructing co::shared objects.


  • If the object is not empty, the internal reference count will be decremented by 1. When the reference count is reduced to 0, the internal object will be destroyed and the memory will be released.


1. shared& operator=(const shared& x);
2. shared& operator=(shared&& x);
3. shared& operator=(const shared<X>& x);
4. shared& operator=(shared<X>&& x);
  • Assignment operations.
  • 3-4, assign value of shared<X> to object of shared<T>, T is the base class of X, and the destructor of T is virtual .


T* get() const noexcept;
  • Get a pointer to the internal object.


T* operator->() const;
  • Overload operator->, return a pointer to the internal object.


T& operator*() const;
  • Overload operator*, return a reference to the internal object.


bool operator==(T* p) const noexcept;
  • Determine whether the internal pointer is equal to p.


bool operator!=(T* p) const noexcept;
  • Determine whether the internal pointer is not equal to p.

#operator bool

explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
  • Returns false if the internal pointer is NULL, otherwise returns true.


size_t ref_count() const noexcept;
  • Get the reference count of the internal object.


void reset();
  • If the internal pointer is not NULL, decrement the reference count by 1 (destroy the internal object when reduced to 0), and then set the internal pointer to NULL.


void swap(shared& x);
void swap(shared&& x);
  • Swaps internal pointers of co::shared objects.


size_t use_count() const noexcept;


template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline shared<T> make_shared(Args&&... args);
  • Creates an object of type shared<T> with arguments args.

  • Example

co::shared<int> i = co::make_shared<int>(23);
co::shared<fastring> s = co::make_shared<fastring>(32, 'x');


template<typename T>
class unique;

Similar to std::unique_ptr, but with some minor differences.


1. constexpr unique() noexcept;
2. constexpr unique(std::nullptr_t) noexcept;
3. unique(unique& x) noexcept;
4. unique(unique&& x) noexcept;

5. unique(unique<X>& x) noexcept;
6. unique(unique<X>&& x) noexcept;
  • 1-2, create an empty unique object.
  • 3-4, transfer the internal pointer of x to the constructed unique object, and the internal pointer of x becomes NULL.
  • 5-6, Construct unique<T> object from unique<X> object, T is the base class of X, and the destructor of T is virtual.
co::unique object cannot be constructed directly from T* pointer, coost provides co::make_unique for constructing co::unique object.


  • Destroy the internal object, and free the memory.


1. unique& operator=(unique& x);
2. unique& operator=(unique&& x);
3. unique& operator=(unique<X>& x);
4. unique& operator=(unique<X>&&x);
  • Assignment operations.
  • 3-4, assign value of unique<X> to object of unique<T>, T is the base class of X, and the destructor of T is virtual .


T* get() const noexcept;
  • Get a pointer to the internal object.


T* operator->() const;
  • Overload operator->, return a pointer to the internal object.


T& operator*() const;
  • Overload operator*, return a reference to the internal object.


bool operator==(T* p) const noexcept;
  • Determine whether the internal pointer is equal to p.


bool operator!=(T* p) const noexcept;
  • Determine whether the internal pointer is not equal to p.

#operator bool

explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
  • Returns false if the internal pointer is NULL, otherwise returns true.


void reset();
  • Destroy the internal object, and free the memory.


void swap(unique& x);
void swap(unique&& x);
  • Swap the internal pointers of co::unique objects.


template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline unique<T> make_unique(Args&&... args);
  • Create an object of type unique<T> with arguments args.

  • Example

co::unique<int> i = co::make_unique<int>(23);
co::unique<fastring> s = co::make_unique<fastring>(32, 'x');