
include: co/time.h.

#epoch time

The EPOCH is a specific time 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, and the epoch time is the time since the EPOCH.


int64 ms();
  • Return milliseconds since EPOCH.


int64 us();
  • Return microseconds since EPOCH.

#monotonic time

Monotonic time is a monotonic increasing time, it is implemented as the time since last reboot of system on most platforms. It is generally used for timing and is more stable than system time.


int64 ms();
  • Returns a monotonically increasing timestamp in milliseconds.
  • On mac platform, if the system does not support CLOCK_MONOTONIC, epoch::ms() will be used instead.


int64 us();
  • Returns a monotonically increasing timestamp in microseconds.

  • On mac platform, if the system does not support CLOCK_MONOTONIC, epoch::us() will be used instead.

  • Example

int64 beg = now::us();
int64 end = now::us();
LOG << "time used: "<< (end-beg) <<" us";

#Time string (now::str)

// fm: time output format
fastring str(const char* fm="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
  • This function returns the string form of the current system time in the specified format. It is implemented based on strftime.

  • Example

fastring s = now::str();     // "2021-07-07 17:07:07"
fastring s = now::str("%Y"); // "2021"



void ms(uint32 n);
  • Sleep for n milliseconds.


void sec(uint32 n);
  • Sleep for n seconds.

  • Example

sleep::ms(10); // sleep for 10 milliseconds
sleep::sec(1); // sleep for 1 second


co::Timer is a simple timer based on monotonic time.

Timer was added to namespace co since v3.0.1.


  • Set the start time of the timer, and start timing when the object is created.


int64 ms() const;
  • Return milliseconds since start of the timing.


int64 us() const;
  • Return microseconds since start of the timing.


void restart();
  • Restart the timer.


co::Timer t;
int64 us = t.us();

int64 ms = t.ms();