Atomic Operations

include: co/atomic.h.

#Memory Order

Since v3.0, co has added a support for memory order. The six memory orders in co are defined as follows:

enum memory_order_t {

The default memory order of atomic operations in co is mo_seq_cst.

#APIs removed since v3.0

  • atomic_get, use atomic_load instead.
  • atomic_set, use atomic_store instead.
  • atomic_reset, use atomic_store(&x, 0) instead.

#load & store


template<typename T>
inline T atomic_load(const T* p, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • This function gets the value of the variable pointed to by p, T is any built-in type (including pointer type) with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes.

  • mo can be any of mo_relaxed, mo_consume, mo_acquire, mo_seq_cst.

  • Example

int i = 7;
int r = atomic_load(&i); // r = 7
int x = atomic_load(&i, mo_relaxed);


template<typename T, typename V>
inline void atomic_store(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • This function sets the value pointed to by p to v, T is any built-in type (including pointer type) with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, and V is any type that can be converted to type of T.

  • mo can be any of mo_relaxed, mo_release, mo_seq_cst.

  • Example

int i = 7;
atomic_store(&i, 3); // i -> 3
atomic_store(&i, 3, mo_release);

#Swap operations


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_swap(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic swap operation, T is any built-in type (including pointer type) with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, and V is any type that can be converted to type of T.

  • This function exchanges the value pointed to by p and v, and returns the value before the exchange.

  • mo can be any type.

  • Example

bool b = false;
int i = 0;
void* p = 0;
bool x = atomic_swap(&b, true);      // b -> true, x = false
int r = atomic_swap(&i, 1);          // i -> 1, r = 0
void* q = atomic_swap(&p, (void*)8); // p -> 8, q = 0


template<typename T, typename O, typename V>
inline T atomic_cas(
    T* p, O o, V v,
    memory_order_t smo = mo_seq_cst,
    memory_order_t fmo = mo_seq_cst
template <typename T, typename O, typename V>
inline T atomic_compare_swap(
    T* p, O o, V v,
    memory_order_t smo = mo_seq_cst,
    memory_order_t fmo = mo_seq_cst
  • Atomic swap operation, T is any built-in type (including pointer type) with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, O and V are any types that can be converted to type of T.

  • This function exchanges with v only when the value pointed to by p is equal to o.

  • This function returns the value before the exchange operation.

  • Example

bool b = false;
int i = 0;
void* p = 0;
bool x = atomic_cas(&b, false, true);  // b -> true, x = false
int r = atomic_cas(&i, 1, 2);          // No swap, i remains unchanged, r = 0
void* q = atomic_cas(&p, 0, (void*)8); // p -> 8, q = 0


template<typename T, typename O, typename V>
inline bool atomic_bool_cas(
    T* p, O o, V v,
    memory_order_t smo = mo_seq_cst,
    memory_order_t fmo = mo_seq_cst
  • Like the atomic_cas, but returns true if the swap operation was successful, otherwise returns false.

#Arithmetic operations


template<typename T>
inline T atomic_inc(T* p, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic increment, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function performs an increment operation on the integer pointed to by p and returns the result after increment.

  • Example

int i = 0;
uint64 u = 0;
int r = atomic_inc(&i);    // i -> 1, r = 1
uint64 x = atomic_inc(&u); // u -> 1, x = 1


template<typename T>
inline T atomic_fetch_inc(T* p, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_inc, but returns the value before increment.

  • Example

int i = 0;
uint64 u = 0;
int r = atomic_fetch_inc(&i);    // i -> 1, r = 0
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_inc(&u); // u -> 1, x = 0


template<typename T>
inline T atomic_dec(T* p, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic decrement, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function decrements the integer pointed to by p and returns the decremented result.

  • Example

int i = 1;
uint64 u = 1;
int r = atomic_dec(&i);    // i -> 0, r = 0
uint64 x = atomic_dec(&u); // u -> 0, x = 0


template<typename T>
inline T atomic_fetch_dec(T* p, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_dec, but returns the value before decrement.

  • Example

int i = 1;
uint64 u = 1;
int r = atomic_fetch_dec(&i);    // i -> 0, r = 1
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_dec(&u); // u -> 0, x = 1


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_add(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic addition, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, V is any integer type, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function adds the value v to the integer pointed to by p, and returns the result after adding v.

  • Example

int i = 0;
uint64 u = 0;
int r = atomic_add(&i, 1);    // i -> 1, r = 1
uint64 x = atomic_add(&u, 1); // u -> 1, x = 1


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_fetch_add(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_add, but returns the value before adding v.

  • Example

int i = 0;
uint64 u = 0;
int r = atomic_fetch_add(&i, 1);    // i -> 1, r = 0
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_add(&u, 1); // u -> 1, x = 0


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_sub(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic subtraction, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, V is any integer type, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function subtracts value v from the integer pointed to by p, and returns the result of subtracting v.

  • Example

int i = 1;
uint64 u = 1;
int r = atomic_sub(&i, 1);    // i -> 0, r = 0
uint64 x = atomic_sub(&u, 1); // u -> 0, x = 0


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_fetch_sub(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_sub, but returns the value before subtracting v.

  • Example

int i = 1;
uint64 u = 1;
int r = atomic_fetch_sub(&i, 1);    // i -> 0, r = 1
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_sub(&u, 1); // u -> 0, x = 1

#Bit operation


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_or(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic bitwise OR operation, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, V is any integer type, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function performs bitwise OR operation on the integer pointed to by p and v, and returns the result of the operation.

  • Example

int i = 5;
uint64 u = 5;
int r = atomic_or(&i, 3);    // i |= 3, i -> 7, r = 7
uint64 x = atomic_or(&u, 3); // u |= 3, u -> 7, x = 7


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_fetch_or(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_or, but returns the value before the bitwise OR operation.

  • Example

int i = 5;
uint64 u = 5;
int r = atomic_fetch_or(&i, 3);    // i |= 3, i -> 7, r = 5
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_or(&u, 3); // u |= 3, u -> 7, x = 5


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_and(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic bitwise AND operation, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, V is any integer type, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function performs bitwise AND operation on the integer pointed to by p and v, and returns the result after the operation.

  • Example

int i = 5;
uint64 u = 5;
int r = atomic_and(&i, 3);    // i &= 3, i -> 1, r = 1
uint64 x = atomic_and(&u, 3); // u &= 3, u -> 1, x = 1


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_fetch_and(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_and, but returns the value before the bitwise AND operation.

  • Example

int i = 5;
uint64 u = 5;
int r = atomic_fetch_and(&i, 3);    // i &= 3, i -> 1, r = 5
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_and(&u, 3); // u &= 3, u -> 1, x = 5


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_xor(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • Atomic bitwise XOR operation, T is any integer type with a length of 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes, V is any integer type, and the parameter p is a pointer of type T.

  • This function performs a bitwise XOR operation on the integer pointed to by p and v, and returns the result of the operation.

  • Example

int i = 5;
uint64 u = 5;
int r = atomic_xor(&i, 3);    // i ^= 3, i -> 6, r = 6
uint64 x = atomic_xor(&u, 3); // u ^= 3, u -> 6, x = 6


template<typename T, typename V>
inline T atomic_fetch_xor(T* p, V v, memory_order_t mo = mo_seq_cst);
  • The same as atomic_xor, but returns the value before the bitwise XOR operation.

  • Example

int i = 5;
uint64 u = 5;
int r = atomic_fetch_xor(&i, 3);    // i ^= 3, i -> 6, r = 5
uint64 x = atomic_fetch_xor(&u, 3); // u ^= 3, u -> 6, x = 5