Coroutine Pool

include: co/co.h.


co::pool is a general-purpose coroutine pool, which is coroutine-safe and internally stores void* type pointers, which can be used as connection pool, memory pool or caches for other purposes.


1. pool();
2. pool(pool&& p);
3. pool(const pool& p);
4. pool(std::function<void*()>&& ccb, ​​std::function<void(void*)>&& dcb, size_t cap=(size_t)-1);
  • 1, default constructor, compared to 4, ccb and dcb are NULL.

  • 2, move constructor.

  • 3, copy constructor, only increases the internal reference count by 1.

  • 4, ccb is used to create an element, and dcb is used to destroy an element, cap specifies the maximum capacity of the pool, the default is -1, unlimited capacity.

  • Note that the parameter cap is not the total capacity. It is for a single thread. In the internal implementation of co::pool, each thread has its own pool. If the cap is set to 1024 and there are 8 scheduling threads, then the total capacity is 8192.

  • When dcb is NULL, parameter cap will be ignored, because co::pool needs to use dcb to destroy extra elements when the number of elements exceeds the maximum capacity.

  • Example

class T {};
co::pool p(
     []() { return (void*) new T; }, // ccb
     [](void* p) { delete (T*) p; }, // dcb


void clear() const;
  • Clear the pool, can be called anywhere.
  • If dcb is set, elements in the pool will be destroyed with dcb.


void* pop() const;
  • Pop an element from the pool, Must be called in coroutine.
  • When the pool is empty and ccb is not NULL, ccb() will be called to create an element and return, otherwise return NULL.
  • This method is coroutine safe and does not require locking.


void push(void* e) const;
  • Put the element back to the pool, must be called in coroutine.
  • When parameter e is NULL, it is ignored.
  • Since each thread has its own pool internally, push() and pop() methods need to be called in the same thread.
  • If the pool has reached the maximum capacity and dcb is not NULL, dcb(e) will be called to destroy the element.
  • This method is coroutine safe and does not require locking.


size_t size() const;
  • Returns the pool size of the current thread, must be called in the coroutine.


co::pool_guard automatically pops an element from co::pool when it is constructed, and automatically puts the element back when it is destructed.

template<typename T>
class pool_guard;
  • Parameter T is the actual type pointed to by the pointer in co::pool.


explicit pool_guard(co::pool& p);
explicit pool_guard(co::pool* p);
  • Pop an element from co::pool, the parameter p is a reference or pointer to the co::pool class.


  • Push the element obtained in the constructor back to co::pool.


T* get() const;
  • Get the pointer taken from co::pool.


T* operator->() const;
  • Returns the pointer taken from co::pool.


T& operator*() const;
  • Returns a reference to the object pointed to by the internal pointer.


bool operator==(T* p) const;
  • Determine whether the internal pointer is equal to p.


bool operator!=(T* p) const;
  • Determine whether the internal pointer is not equal to p.

#operator bool

explicit operator bool() const;
  • Returns true if the internal pointer is not NULL, false otherwise.

#Code Example

class Redis; // assume class Redis is a connection to the redis server

co::pool p(
     []() { return (void*) new Redis; }, // ccb
     [](void* p) { delete (Redis*) p; }, // dcb
     8192 //cap

void f() {
     co::pool_guard<Redis> rds(p);
