
include: co/fastream.h.


fastream is used to replace std::ostringstream in the C++ standard library. The performance of std::ostringstream is poor which may be several times slower than snprintf, and fastream is about 10~30 times faster than snprintf on different platforms.


1. constexpr fastream() noexcept;
2. explicit fastream(size_t cap);
3. fastream(fastream&& s) noexcept;
  • 1, the default constructor, which creates an empty fastream object without any memory allocation.

  • 2, uses the parameter cap to specify the initial capacity of fastream.

  • 3, the move constructor.

  • Example

fastream s;              // empty fastream, no memory allocated
fastream s(1024);        // Pre-allocate 1k bytes
fastream x(std::move(s); // move construction, s becomes empty


fastream& operator=(fastream&& s) noexcept;
  • Move assignment, the content of s is transferred to fastream, and s itself becomes empty.

  • Example

fastream s(32);
fastream x;
x = std::move(s); // x capacity -> 32, s -> empty



char& back();
const char& back() const;
  • This method returns a reference to the last character in fastream.
If fastream is empty, calling this method will cause undefined behavior.
  • Example
fastream s;
char c = s.back(); // c ='o'
s.back() ='x';     // s -> "hellx"


char& front();
const char& front() const;
  • This method returns the reference of the first character in fastream.
If fastream is empty, calling this method will cause undefined behavior.
  • Example
fastream s;
char c = s.front(); // c ='h'
s.front() ='x';     // s -> "xello"


char& operator[](size_t n);
const char& operator[](size_t n) const;
  • This method returns the reference of the nth character in fastream.
If n is out of a reasonable range, calling this method will cause undefined behavior.
  • Example
fastream s;
char c = s[1]; // c ='e'
s[1] ='x';     // s -> "hxllo"



size_t capacity() const noexcept;
  • This method returns the capacity of fastream.


const char* c_str() const;
  • This method gets the equivalent C string.
  • This method adds a ‘\0’ to the end of fastream, it will not change the size and content of fastream, but may cause internal reallocation of memory.


const char* data() const noexcept;
  • This method is similar to c_str(), but it does not guarantee that the string ends with ‘\0’.


bool empty() const noexcept;
  • This method determines whether fastream is empty.


size_t size() const noexcept;
  • This method returns the length of data in fastream.


fastring str() const;
  • This method returns a copy of fastream’s internal data in the form of fastring.

  • Example

fastream s;
fastring x = s.str(); // x = "hello"



1. void clear();
2. void clear(char c);
  • This method sets the size of fastream to 0, and the capacity remains unchanged.
  • The second is similar to the first, except that it will fill the memory with character c before setting its size to 0.
The second one is added in v3.0.1, which can be used to clear sensitive information in memory.


void ensure(size_t n);
  • This method ensures that the remaining memory of fastream can hold at least n characters.


void reserve(size_t n);
  • This method ensures that the capacity of fastream is at least n.
  • When n is less than the original capacity, the capacity remains unchanged.


void reset();
  • Added in v2.0.3. Clear fastream and free the memory.


void resize(size_t n);
  • This method sets the size of fastream to n.
When n is greater than the original size, it will expand size to n, but will not fill the expanded part with zeroes.
  • Example
fastream s;
s.resize(3);   // s -> "hel"
char c = s[5]; // c is an uncertain random value


void swap(fastream& s) noexcept;
void swap(fastream&& s) noexcept;
  • Swap the contents of two fastreams, only the internal pointer, capacity, and size are exchanged.

  • Example

fastream s(32);
fastring x(64);
s.swap(x); // s: cap -> 64, x: cap -> 32



1.  fastream& append(const void* s, size_t n);
2.  fastream& append(const char* s);
3.  fastream& append(const fastring& s);
4.  fastream& append(const std::string& s);
5.  fastream& append(const fastream& s);

6.  fastream& append(size_t n, char c);
7.  fastream& append(char c, size_t n);

8.  fastream& append(char c);
9.  fastream& append(signed char v)
10. fastream& append(unsigned char c);

11. fastream& append(uint16 v);
12. fastream& append(uint32 v);
13. fastream& append(uint64 v);
  • 1, appends a byte sequence of length n.

  • 2-4, append string s.

  • 5, appends a fastream, s can be the fastream itself that performs the append operation.

  • 6-7, append n characters c.

  • 8-10, append a single character c.

  • 11-13, equivalent to append(&v, sizeof(v)).

  • Example

fastream s;
int32 i = 7;
char buf[8];

s.append("xx");      // Append C string
s.append(s);         // append itself, s -> "xxxx"
s.append(buf, 8);    // Append 8 bytes
s.append('c');       // Append a single character
s.append(100,'c');   // Append 100'c'
s.append('c', 100);  // append 100'c'

s.append(&i, 4);     // Append 4 bytes
s.append(i);         // Append 4 bytes, same as above
s.append((int16)23); // Append 2 bytes

s.append(s.c_str() + 1); // ok since v3.0.1


fastream& append_nomchk(const void* s, size_t n);
fastream& append_nomchk(const char* s)
  • Similar to append(), but will not check if s overlaps with the internal memory.
This method cannot be used if s may overlap with the internal memory of fastream.


template<typename X, typename ...V>
fastream& cat(X&& x, V&& ... v);
  • Added in v2.0.3. Concatenate any number of elements to fastream.

  • This method appends elements in the parameters to fastream one by one through operator<<.

  • Example

fastream s;
s << "hello";'', 23, "xx", false); // s -> "hello 23xxfalse"


fastream& operator<<(bool v);

fastream& operator<<(char v);
fastream& operator<<(signed char v);
fastream& operator<<(unsigned char v);

fastream& operator<<(short v);
fastream& operator<<(unsigned short v);
fastream& operator<<(int v);
fastream& operator<<(unsigned int v);
fastream& operator<<(long v);
fastream& operator<<(unsigned long v);
fastream& operator<<(long long v);
fastream& operator<<(unsigned long long v);

fastream& operator<<(double v);
fastream& operator<<(float v);
fastream& operator<<(const dp::_fpt& v);

fastream& operator<<(const void* v);
fastream& operator<<(std::nullptr_t);

fastream& operator<<(const char* s);
fastream& operator<<(const signed char* s);
fastream& operator<<(const unsigned char* s);
fastream& operator<<(const fastring& s);
fastream& operator<<(const std::string& s);
fastream& operator<<(const fastream& s);
  • Format value of bool, char, integer type, floating point type, pointer type or string type, and append it to fastream.

  • operator<<(const dp::_fpt& v) is used to output formatted floating-point number, which the effective decimal places can be specified.

  • Example

fastream s;
s << 'x';             // s -> "x"
s << s;               // s -> "xx"           (append itself)
s << false;           // s -> "xxfalse"

s << "hello " << 23;  // s -> "hello 23"
s << (s.c_str() + 6); // s -> "hello 2323"   (append part of s)

s << 3.1415;          // s -> "3.1415"

s << (void*)32;       // s -> "0x20"

Specify the number of valid decimal places
coost provides dp::_1, dp::_2, ..., dp::_16, dp::_n to set the number of effective decimal places of floating-point numbers.

fastream s;
s << dp::_2(3.1415);   // "3.14
s << dp::_3(3.1415);   // "3.141"
s << dp::_n(3.14, 1);  // "3.1", equivalent to dp::_1(3.14)

co.log is implemented based on fastream, so we can also use the above methods when printing logs.

LOG << dp::_2(3.1415);