
include: co/path.h.


This library is ported from golang’s path package, the path separator must be / .


fastring clean(const char* s, size_t n);
fastring clean(const char* s);
fastring clean(const fastring& s);
  • Return the shortest equivalent form of the path, the consecutive separators in the path will be removed.

  • Example

path::clean("");            // "."
path::clean("./x//y/");     // "x/y"
path::clean("./x/..");      // "."
path::clean("./x/../..");   // ".."


template<typename ...S>
inline fastring join(S&&... s);
  • Concatenate any number of strings into a complete path, the returned result is cleaned by path::clean.

  • Empty strings in the parameters will be ignored.

  • Example

path::join("", "");        // ""
path::join("x", "y", "z"); // "x/y/z"
path::join("/x/", "y");    // "/x/y"


std::pair<fastring, fastring> split(const char* s, size_t n);
std::pair<fastring, fastring> split(const char* s);
std::pair<fastring, fastring> split(const fastring& s);
  • Divide the path into two parts, dir and file. If the path does not contain a separator, the dir part will be empty.

  • The returned result satisfies the property path = dir + file.

  • Example

path::split("/");    // -> {"/", ""}
path::split("/a");   // -> {"/", "a"}
path::split("/a/");   // -> { "/a/", "" }
path::split("/a/b"); // -> {"/a/", "b"}


fastring dir(const char* s, size_t n);
fastring dir(const char* s);
fastring dir(const fastring& s);
  • Return the directory part of the path, the return value is a cleaned path by path::clean.

  • Example

path::dir("a");    // "."
path::dir("a/");   // "a"
path::dir("/");    // "/"
path::dir("/a");   // "/";
path::dir("/a/");  // "/a";


fastring base(const char* s, size_t n);
fastring base(const char* s);
fastring base(const fastring& s);
  • Return the last element of the path.

  • If s is empty, return “.”.

  • If s consists entirely of slashes, return “/”.

  • In other cases, remove trailing slashes of s before extracting the last element.

  • Example

path::base("");     // "."
path::base("/");    // "/"
path::base("/a/");  // "a"
path::base("/a");   // "a"
path::base("/a/b"); // "b"


fastring ext(const char* s, size_t n);
fastring ext(const char* s);
fastring ext(const fastring& s);
  • Return the file name extension of the path.

  • Example

path::ext("/a.c");   // ".c"
path::ext("a/b");    // ""
path::ext("/a.c/");  // ""
path::ext("a.");     // "."