include: co/str.h.
#split, strip, replace,
co::vector<fastring> split(const char* s, char c, uint32 n=0);
co::vector<fastring> split(const fastring& s, char c, uint32 n=0);
co::vector<fastring> split(const char* s, const char* c, uint32 n=0);
co::vector<fastring> split(const fastring& s, const char* c, uint32 n=0);
This function splits the string into several substrings, the original string remains unchanged, and returns the split result.
Parameter s is a C string or fastring, parameter c is the separator, parameter n is the maximum number of splits, 0 or -1 means unlimited.
In the fourth version, s cannot contain ‘\0’, because the internal implementation uses
to search for substrings. -
str::split("x y z", ''); // -> ["x", "y", "z"]
str::split("|x|y|",'|'); // -> ["", "x", "y"]
str::split("xooy", "oo"); // -> ["x", "y"]
str::split("xooy",'o'); // -> ["x", "", "y"]
str::split("xooy",'o', 1); // -> ["x", "oy"]
fastring strip(const char* s, const char* c=" \t\r\n", char d='b');
fastring strip(const fastring& s, const char* c=" \t\r\n", char d='b');
fastring strip(const char* s, char c, char d ='b');
fastring strip(const fastring& s, char c, char d='b');
fastring strip(const fastring& s, const fastring& c, char d='b');
This function removes the specified characters on the left or right sides of the string, the original string remains unchanged, and the result after strip is returned.
The parameter s is a C string or fastring, the parameter c is the character set to be removed, the parameter d is the direction, ’l’ or ‘L’ for left side, ‘r’ or ‘R’ for right side, and the default is ‘b’ means both sides.
The first and second versions remove the blank characters on both sides of the string by default.
In the 3rd and 4th versions, c is a single character.
str::strip(" xx\r\n"); // -> "xx"
str::strip("abxxa", "ab"); // -> "xx"
str::strip("abxxa", "ab",'l'); // -> "xxa"
str::strip("abxxa", "ab",'r'); // -> "abxx"
fastring replace(const char* s, const char* sub, const char* to, uint32 n=0);
fastring replace(const fastring& s, const char* sub, const char* to, uint32 n=0);
This function is used to replace substrings in the string, the original string remains unchanged, and the replaced result is returned.
Parameter s is a C string or fastring, substring sub in s will be replaced with to. Parameter n is the maximum number of replacements, 0 or -1 means unlimited.
In the second version, s cannot contain ‘\0’, because the internal implementation uses
to search for substrings. -
str::replace("xooxoox", "oo", "ee"); // -> "xeexeex"
str::replace("xooxoox", "oo", "ee", 1); // -> "xeexoox"
template <typename ...X>
inline fastring cat(X&& ... x);
Added in v2.0.3. Concatenate any number of elements to make a string.
This function concatenates elements in the parameters to the string one by one through
. -
// s -> "hello 23true"
fastring s = str::cat("hello", ' ', 23, true);
#Convert string to built-in type
bool to_bool(const char* s);
bool to_bool(const fastring& s);
bool to_bool(const std::string& s);
This function converts a string to bool type.
When s is equal to “0” or “false”, false is returned; when s is equal to “1” or “true”, true is returned.
If the conversion is successful, the error code is 0. Otherwise, the error code is set to EINVAL, and false is returned. Call
to get the error code -
bool b = str::to_bool("true"); // x = true
bool x = str::to_bool("false"); // x = false
double to_double(const char* s);
double to_double(const fastring& s);
double to_double(const std::string& s);
This function converts a string to double type.
If the conversion is successful, the error code is 0. Otherwise, the error code is set to ERANGE or EINVAL, and 0 is returned. Call
to get the error code. -
double x = str::to_double("3.14"); // x = 3.14
int32 to_int32(const char* s);
int32 to_int32(const fastring& s);
int32 to_int32(const std::string& s);
int64 to_int64(const char* s);
int64 to_int64(const fastring& s);
int64 to_int64(const std::string& s);
uint32 to_uint32(const char* s);
uint32 to_uint32(const fastring& s);
uint32 to_uint32(const std::string& s);
uint64 to_uint64(const char* s);
uint64 to_uint64(const fastring& s);
uint64 to_uint64(const std::string& s);
These functions convert a string to integer types.
The parameter s can take an unit
k, m, g, t, p
at the end, which is not case sensitive. -
If the conversion is successful, the error code is 0. Otherwise, the error code is set to ERANGE or EINVAL, and 0 is returned. Call
to get the error code. -
int32 i32;
int64 i64;
uint32 u32;
uint64 u64;
i32 = str::to_int32("-23"); // -23
u32 = str::to_uint32("4k"); // 4096
i64 = str::to_int32("8M"); // 8 << 20
i64 = str::to_int64("8T"); // 8ULL << 40
u64 = str::to_int64("1P"); // 1ULL << 50
i32 = str::to_int32("8g");
LOG << (i32 == 0);
LOG << (errno == ERANGE);
i32 = str::to_int32("abx");
LOG << (i32 == 0);
LOG << (errno == EINVAL);
#Convert built-in types to string
template<typename T>
inline fastring from(T t);
This function converts built-in types to a string.
T can be any built-in type, such as bool, int, double, void*, etc.
fastring s;
s = str::from(true); // -> "true"
s = str::from(23); // -> "23"
s = str::from(3.14); // -> "3.14"
#Convert STL container to debug string
template<typename T> fastring dbg(const co::vector<T>& v);
template<typename T> fastring dbg(const std::vector<T>& v);
template<typename T> fastring dbg(const co::set<T>& v);
template<typename T> fastring dbg(const std::set<T>& v);
template<typename T> fastring dbg(const co::unordered_set<T>& v);
template<typename T> fastring dbg(const std::unordered_set<T>& v);
template<typename K, typename V>
fastring dbg(const co::map<K, V>& v);
template<typename K, typename V>
fastring dbg(const std::map<K, V>& v);
template<typename K, typename V>
fastring dbg(const co::unordered_map<K, V>& v);
template<typename K, typename V>
fastring dbg(const std::unordered_map<K, V>& v);
This function converts a container to a debug string, which is generally for printing logs.
std::vector<int> v {1, 2, 3 };
std::set<int> s {1, 2, 3 };
std::map<int, int> m {{1, 1}, {2, 2} };
str::dbg(v); // -> "[1,2,3]"
str::dbg(s); // -> "{1,2,3}"
str::dbg(m); // -> "{1:1,2:2}